Toys “R” Us recalled about 6,000 “totally me!” clay craft kits after mold appeared in the clay, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission said.
There have been three reports of mold in clay and no reported injuries. Consumers should stop using the clay craft kits immediately and return them to any Toys “R” Us or Babies “R” Us store for a refund or store credit.
Mold found in this product poses respiratory risks and infections to people who have “compromised” immune systems, lung damage or a mold allergy, according to the safety commission. That is why it is imperative to ensure products are free of toxic mold in NH before you buy.
After confirming reports of mold in Australia, the US, and Germany, Toys “R” Us reported the finding to the commission, the company said. “While it was a small number of consumers affected, we took the incidents seriously and quickly removed the products from our shelves.”
The “totally me!” kits were sold by Toys “R” Us and Babies “R” Us stores and online throughout the United States from January to October 2017 for just over $10. Model number AD11244 is on the bottom of the box. They were manufactured in China.
To combat toxic mold in NH and ensure your home and belongings are free of it, call Purely Green Environmental at (888)-291-3773. We’re experts when it comes to toxic mold in NH and can give you the answers you need to stay healthy.