
Air Quality Assessment

For Mold Free, Health Building

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Air Quality Assessment

For Mold Free, Health Building

For More Information

Signs of Toxic Mold

Mold is everywhere in the outdoor environment. There are over 100,000 identified species of mold out there, and not all of them are toxic. Some are even used in medicine! So how do you know which ones are dangerous and which are okay? Generally speaking, you don’t want any form of mold growing in your home. Here at Purely Green Environmental, we’re dedicated to providing quality toxic mold testing for your home.

Keep it Outside

As stated above, mold is bountiful in outdoor environments. The fungi are necessary for a balanced ecosystem but can wreak havoc once inside. They thrive on cellulose-based objects, like wooden furniture or a wet carpet. Not only can the spores take over your space, but they can also become a health hazard when airborne. Inhaling mold spores can cause respiratory issues like coughing and trouble breathing.

Moisture Problems

Mold is a result of excessive moisture in your home and can be present in any area where water isn’t given a chance to dry. Studies show that up to 50% of households have unknown moisture problems – each of which has the potential to explode into a mold epidemic. Performing routine air quality tests for toxic mold is important to keeping your home healthy.

Importance of Air Quality Testing

The good news is that early identification can drastically reduce the cost of remediation. Additionally, once the source of moisture is resolved, there is less of a chance for the mold to come back. This means that you only need to address the problem once if you do it right. The experts here at Purely Green will perform both an initial assessment and post-remediation assessment to ensure all the toxic mold is removed from your home. We can even provide quotes and recommendations for remediation specialists so you can choose the one that’s right for you.

Toxic mold removal is extremely time sensitive. Identifying mold growth in its early stages means that it’s concentrated in a smaller area, so there is a smaller remediation cost. Additionally, you can probably avoid drastic and costly measures if the problem is caught early. Call (603) 886-0345 to speak with a mold testing expert here at Purely Green.




NORMI™ Certified

• Indoor Air Specialist
• Mold Inspector
• Formaldehyde Screener
• Professional Screening
• Environmental Educator
• Biocide Applicator

NORMI™ Qualified

• Mold Assessor
• Sampling Technician

ACAC Certified

• CMC, Council-certified Microbial
• Consultant

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