
Air Quality Assessment

For Mold Free, Health Building

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Air Quality Assessment

For Mold Free, Health Building

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Home Inspections: Mold Testing for NH Homebuyers

mold testing nh


If you’ve ever gone through the process of purchasing a home, you know that mold testing in NH is part of the initial inspection.  Here at Purely Green Environmental, we were recently contacted by a local realtor in regards to our mold testing services.  The conversation led to an interesting eye-opener.  

When asked how long our inspection would take, the realtor was dumbfounded at our response of approximately two hours for a small to mid-sized home.  Because of this reaction, the team at Purely Green came to realize that many potential homeowners are entrusting their inspections to companies that are not taking the time to inspect the home thoroughly.  Thus, we decided that this month’s article would highlight the importance of these inspections and what you should look for when hiring a company for mold inspection.


Air and surface testing

There are certain elements that every inspection should touch upon when testing for mold.  However, we found that several companies are sampling the air and not taking surface samples.  It’s imperative to examine both elements to determine effective mold remediation protocols.  At Purely Green Environmental, our team will perform an in-depth inspection using testing meters.  This process can be time-consuming, depending on the size of the home and initial findings.  Any elevated mold or moisture levels that may be found will slow the process down as our team will take the time to focus on areas that raise a red flag.


Unbiased reporting

Another critical feature to obtaining accurate results is to choose a company that provides you with an unbiased reporting.  By this, we mean a company that tests and sends out their samples for further evaluation.  Sample analysis conducted by a reputable and experienced third-party will ensure you results that are honest and put your best interests at the forefront.

Furthermore, you’ll want to choose a company that offers testing, not remediation.  Although at first it will seem time-efficient to hire a one-stop company; you could be faced with a conflict of interest.  At Purely Green Environmental, our team will provide you with an inspection report that details your air quality and the specific details for how to solve the uncovered problems.  However, we are not a mold remediation or sanitizing company.  


Follow-up inspection

When hiring a company that provides assessments and not remediation services, you’ll be hiring a company that cares about the final result. As an additional service to our customers, the team at Purely Green Environmental will schedule a follow-up inspection. This will provide an honest response to the accuracy of the remediation process.  In at least 70% of cases, hired remediation companies will need to return as testing fails.


If you’re in the process of purchasing a home, consider contacting Purely Green Environmental for your NH mold testing.  Our team will provide you with the inspection and unbiased information you need to ensure the best air quality. 

Call our experts today to schedule your appointment (888) 291-3773.





NORMI™ Certified

• Indoor Air Specialist
• Mold Inspector
• Formaldehyde Screener
• Professional Screening
• Environmental Educator
• Biocide Applicator

NORMI™ Qualified

• Mold Assessor
• Sampling Technician

ACAC Certified

• CMC, Council-certified Microbial
• Consultant

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