
Air Quality Assessment

For Mold Free, Health Building

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Air Quality Assessment

For Mold Free, Health Building

For More Information

Home Buyers: How to Know if You Need Mold Testing

When you’re in the market for a new home, you’ll want to know all the pros and cons of every home you look at. While many homes can look great from the street, they can still have interior flaws that don’t always make themselves easy to spot. For example, you will want to know as much as you can about the indoor air quality of any home you’re thinking about buying and this means that you have to be on the lookout for mold. Mold testing in NH and MA are services that we provide to help ensure the health and safety of people’s indoor environments.  Please keep in mind that f you’re unsure as to whether your future home has poor indoor air quality or not, there are a few tips to help let you know whether to be suspicious or not.

Aerial view of houses in typical home communityBe on the lookout for obvious signs of mold or areas that look like they have the potential to breed mold when inspecting a home. Check for musty smells, standing water or water damage on the walls, especially around areas with plumbing. Find out what kind of insulation the home has to see how airtight it is. Homes with poor construction or poorly installed insulation can let water into the home and provide the proper conditions for mold to grow inside the walls.

Keeping it Clean

Home inspectors are not required to look for mold but most will inform you of any obvious signs of mold and water damage. Don’t hesitate to ask the home inspector whether he or she saw any signs of mold. If you feel that the home inspector can’t do a proper mold test, allow Purely Green to do some mold testing in the home for you. We can properly assess the air quality of a home you’re thinking of buying much more thoroughly than a home inspector.

Keep in mind that the seller of the home only has to disclose what they know about or should know about. It’s not often the case that the seller knows about the air quality of their home. Make sure that they report any mold or water related problems that they’ve experienced in the home. Ask them if they’ve experienced anything that could lead to mold growth such as a leaking window or broken water pipes. Remember that if you want to make an offer on the home, you can make the sale contingent on the results of professional mold testing.

If you’re interested in mold testing to be sure of your new home’s health status, contact us at: 888-291-3773. We are happy to answer your questions and provide valuable air testing services discussed in this article.




NORMI™ Certified

• Indoor Air Specialist
• Mold Inspector
• Formaldehyde Screener
• Professional Screening
• Environmental Educator
• Biocide Applicator

NORMI™ Qualified

• Mold Assessor
• Sampling Technician

ACAC Certified

• CMC, Council-certified Microbial
• Consultant

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