
Air Quality Assessment

For Mold Free, Health Building

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Air Quality Assessment

For Mold Free, Health Building

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Air Quality Testing in Massachusetts: Using Air Purifiers for Quality Indoor Air

During these long New England winter months, we all love to snuggle up in our homes with the windows and doors tightly shut to keep out the cold of winter. We rightly romanticize the notion of cozying up with a warm hot chocolate or tea under a blanket, content to be grateful that we don’t have to endure the harsh, cold weather outside. However, while we make our homes mini safe havens from the outside environment, we all have to make sure that the air inside our homes is safe for our family and friends. At Purely Green Environmental, we know that our customers are the best judges of our success so we do our best to keep them up to date on all the latest industry news concerning indoor air quality. We specialize in mold testing and air quality testing in Massachusetts so can be of great help to anyone who is having air quality issues that make it challenging to enjoy their home or business’ indoor environment.

Some may say that occasionally cracking open your home’s windows or doors to let air circulate during the winter is a good way to keep your indoor air quality maintained, but they aren’t the ones that will have to pay the soaring heating costs that come with such an idea! Instead, at Purely Green Environmental, we recommend using certain air purifiers in the home in order to ensure the overall quality of the air inside your home.

Our Recommendations

We recommend products by two highly reputable companies; GreenTech Environmental and Best Living Systems. Both companies provide products that are perfect for any indoor environment. In fact, we use them in our own homes as well. Perfect for the first floor of any large home is GreenTech’s GT3000 and for smaller homes and bedrooms, GreenTech’s GT1500 is ideal.  We’re here to answer your questions and help you find a suitable unit that works well and is not cost prohibitive. You can reach us at 603-886-0345.

An image showing an air purifier.

This unit, along with its smaller GT1500 counterpart, uses synergistic technologies, including photo catalytic ionization with UV and target plate (creation of non-ozone natural air scrubbers that reduce germs and VOC’s), needlepoint ionization, and optional ozone (at appropriate levels for room size, useful when facing unwanted odors).

Also, The Best Living stand alone models (MCI132K, BLS12K) are upgraded versions of the GT3000 and produce more air scrubbers for larger indoor spaces like schools, clinics, or offices. So keep in mind, rather than leaving a window or door open a crack in the winter to circulate indoor airflow, go with a quality air purifier and avoid an enormous heating bill!

If you’re interested in mold testing or air quality testing in Massachusetts, contact us at: (888)-291-3773.





NORMI™ Certified

• Indoor Air Specialist
• Mold Inspector
• Formaldehyde Screener
• Professional Screening
• Environmental Educator
• Biocide Applicator

NORMI™ Qualified

• Mold Assessor
• Sampling Technician

ACAC Certified

• CMC, Council-certified Microbial
• Consultant

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